We would like to introduce our company,the AbdulRahman Sultan Sons Co. for agricultural and animal feed was founded in 1980. Its purposes includes animal feed industry. It is one of the largest companies in this field. Depending on the company’s certificates, reputation and its long history in animal feed industry. The company is one of the expanding entities in its activities where the company produces all types of animal feed. Throughout its successful working years, the company has opened many sales outlets all over Kuwait in the animal feed consuming areas to provide all types of animal feed to consumers whether large farms or individuals in different places. Moreover, the company is opening foreign markets to enable it exporting to these markets and its partner companies. Our activity is animal feed industry. We are one of the first company that has been working in this field on the local and international level. The company has a sterling reputation among animal feed industry companies.The company always make as much efforts as it can to expand its activities in order to serve the local and international markets and provide whatever it needs including animal feed products and requirements..

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